About the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
What is the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)? A multi-day auditory and therapeutic intervention utilizing treated popular music designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. Client listens to music with the Unyte-iLs app on their smart device with my support over Zoom (or with me in person). The playlists support calming, nervous system shifts, and healing of past trauma. Provides improvement in: social and emotional difficulties; auditory and other sensitivities; anxiety & trauma related challenges; inattention; stressors that impact social engagement. The SSP, with my support includes: Somatic Experiencing, TIST-parts work, and SE Touch support.
As a certified Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP), I specialize in the nervous system and support clients in building resilience and recovery from stress and/or trauma. I offer a trauma informed lens to provide the safest delivery of the Safe and Sound Protocol. This is especially important for people with early trauma, cPTSD, or experiencing chronic stress. I offer the SSP to adults, adolescents, and children.
The SSP is a non-invasive but potent intervention which involves listening to music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system. It introduces a sense of safety and increased ease with social engagement. This allows the client to better interpret not only human speech, but, importantly, the emotional meaning of language. Once interpersonal interactions improve, spontaneous social behaviors and an enhanced ability to learn, self-regulate, and engage are often seen.
For first-time SSP clients, my method is to be present with clients while they listen to the main SSP Core program – either in person in my Pasadena office or via secure Zoom connection. I utilize SE, TIST-Parts Work, SE Touch, art, movement and more to support clients while going through the SSP process. My goal is to keep clients feeling safe and make sure they are not overwhelmed by this powerful modality.
Read more below about the SSP and options for Individuals working One-on-One or Group SSP Experiences.

Attention SEPs, SSP Practitioners, and Therapists
What is the SSP?
Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), is an auditory intervention consisting of specially treated classical or popular music which is designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, by calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy.
The SSP uses the auditory system as a portal to the vagus complex, which controls our physiological state. Once physiological state is regulated, we can accelerate or enhance subsequent therapy. There are 3 Pathways as part of the SSP: Connect, Core, and Balance. These pathways are delivered in a thoughtful way to provide the best outcomes for the client.
The SSP is a research-based therapy showing significant improvements in the following areas:
- Anxiety and trauma related challenges
- Social and emotional difficulties
- Stressors that impact social engagement
- Inattention
- Auditory sensitivities
To sample the music and learn more about the protocol, go here: https://integratedlistening.com/products/ssp-safe-sound-protocol/ssp-music/#samples (opens in new tab). Then, return here and contact me for more information about working together.
Interested in an SSP Group Experience?
I offer two types of groups!
Small groups afford lots of support. Overall experience is
enhanced by increased co-regulation within the group, plus overall cost is reduced.
2 Options Available, Click each Image to Learn More and Apply
Info on One-on-One SSP or Enhanced Mosaic Journey + SSP Experiences
Click each tab below to learn about the different one-on-one options.

Safe and Sound Protocol: 5-Part Intervention
We will begin with a 30 minute consultation to discuss yours or your child’s history and needs in order to determine the best plan for delivery of the SSP. The name ‘Safe and Sound’ is intentional. We want you to feel safe-enough before we introduce the sound aspect of this protocol. Our initial consultation will help determine whether some preparatory sessions to help ground and presence you are necessary. Listening sessions will be scheduled weekly or with timing that best supports your nervous system. Every individual is unique. I deliver the SSP in a safe and titrated way and to best support each individual. This may affect the duration and delivery of the SSP.
In general, I suggest adults receive the SSP in weekly, hour-long sessions – 5 sessions scheduled over a mutually agreed upon 5 week period. For children, I generally suggest 5-10 listening sessions done over a 2-4 week period. Some clients require additional sessions and this is determined once the client begins listening. Your life experiences and/or sensitivities and whether you have experienced trauma will determine the amount of listening you are able to tolerate: from a few minutes at a time to up to 30 minutes.
During the listening, I offer guidance and support via Zoom or in person if you are fully vaccinated and boosed for Covid 19.
The SSP is not passive!
Shifts are happening within the autonomic nervous system and the vagal nerve complex. Sometimes shifts are subtle and other times, big changes occur. Not every change is comfortable at first. This is why having a nervous system specialist like myself as a support throughout the process is very important.
A parent or safe caregiver must be present at all times while your child listens. It is recommended that the client and the child’s caregiver engage in quiet activities together such as coloring, modeling clay, drawing, puzzles, card games, gentle movement, etc. while listening. Adult clients may choose to simply sit quietly and listen to the music but some type of quiet activity using the hands will support and enhance the SSP process. I offer guidance and co-regulation using Somatic Experiencing and/or TIST-Parts Work during the entire listening process.
This intervention is a wonderful opportunity for uninterrupted co-regulation time between loved ones with the support of a skilled somatic practitioner (myself).
Possible growth/shifts facilitated by the SSP are improved social engagement, more connection and eye contact, less fighting, less overwhelm, and more ease. It can help lesson anxiety and depression, create more capacity and resilience, and improve issues with auditory sensitivity.
My guidance and support during the SSP is done via Zoom video chat (or in person). Fees are based on my hourly rate plus an onboarding fee to access the MyUnyte App and the music. Typically, each session is one hour whether listening to all or a portion of the SSP music (depending on the age of the client, we may adjust length of session). We use the remaining time to process with Somatic Experiencing, Parts Work (TIST) and sometimes Co-Regulating Touch. I offer SSP to families, current clients, and work with other therapists to offer the SSP to their clients. I also offer mentoring, coaching, and experiential SSP sessions to new SSP Practitioners.

Mosaic Journey + SSP
The Mosaic Journey is special a multi-part exploration using color, sound, art, movement, personal narrative, co-regulation, and soul-exploration to create transformation and nervous system regulation. I offer it as a one-on-one program or small group program. Utilizing the Safe and Sound Protocol with trauma informed co-regulation and support, you’ll experience a powerful and often spiritual entry point for deeper therapeutic work. This method includes deep research and deep intuitive analysis by me of the themes revealed during your experience.
The Mosaic Journey + SSP is inspired by the SEGAN method created by Ana doValle, OTR, SEP, Anthroposophical Counselor. Ana’s work enhances the effects of the SSP by following a sequence that connects body, mind, and soul. With this process, we are creating higher resilience to stress, more flexibility in the nervous system plus: embodiment, empowerment, coherence, and flow.
This unique and gentle exploration is available to individuals, couples, and families. This method can deliver a profound transformational experience.
We will begin with a 30 minute complimentary consultation to explore your history and needs and to make sure this is a good fit for you. I incorporate Somatic Experiencing, TIST-Parts Work, and SE Touch (as needed and desired by client) with this method. Once the journey begins, clients experience trauma release, deep insights into themselves and new appreciation for who they are. Growth/shifts can also include improved social engagement, more connection and eye contact with others, less fighting, less overwhelm, and more ease. It can help lesson anxiety and depression, create more capacity and resilience, and improve issues with auditory and overall sensitivity.
The Mosaic Journey is facilitated via Zoom or in person with me. I will be present with you while you listen to the SSP and will facilitate the added portions of the Mosaic Journey in a collaborative way to meet your needs. A minimum of six (6), sessions are required to complete the listening and all the parts of the process. The first session is 90 minutes and the remaining 5 sessions are 1 hour each. The 6th and final session will be scheduled approximately 2 weeks or more after completing the listening and once I’ve completed my analysis of your process. In this session, we will discuss your experience and my findings.
Please note that as detailed on the Traditional Guided SSP page, the actual length of each listening session will vary depending on each client’s nervous system. Some clients tolerate a short listening session and others can listen longer. The length of your listening time does not affect the outcome. We will determine your particular capacity for listening in each session and the remaining portion of the hour-long of the session, I will support you with SE and other somatic interventions to enhance your healing. At times, we may also need to adjust the spacing between listening sessions or schedule SE, Parts, or Touch sessions without SSP. These sessions will require an additional fee.
The Fee for the one-on-one version of Mosaic Journey + SSP is $1,470.00. Payment plans are available.
If you are interested in participating in this process in a small group at a reduced fee, please contact me with your interest. Groups starting soon.

Basic Logistical Details
After a complimentary consult with me and your deposit and onboarding fee are completed, you’ll receive informed consent documents, then an email via the Unyte Health portal. This will guide you in setting up your own My Unyte account and how to download the Unyte-iLs app. The app works on smart phone or tablet devices using Android 5 and above or iOS 13 and above. Once the app is downloaded and activated, you will also need to download the SSP music which I will release to you gradually.
To listen to the SSP music, you must wear circumaural (over ear) headphones. If you already own a pair of over ear headphones that have noise cancelling, you must be able to turn off the noise cancelling function while listening to the SSP. I can also recommend headphones for you to purchase if you don’t have them. If using wired headphones, you may also need an adapter that enables you to plug the headphones into your smartphone accessory port.
There are three SSP Pathways that you’ll have access to while completing the SSP with my guidance. These consist of 5 types of music suitable for both adults or children. You will choose your preferred music for the Core Pathway of music.
Depending on the SSP option you choose: regular SSP or Mosaic Journey + SSP, a list of items you’ll need will be emailed and you may need to gather additional items to support your process.
My Approach

My approach is collaborative and kind. I’m compassionate, intuitive, and nurturing and hold a great deal of respect for my clients’ conscious and unconscious wisdom and the imprints that resulted from their experiences. I enjoy the special healing alchemy that occurs when my mix of education, tools, and creative application of methods blends with the client’s experiences, preferences, and psyche. Clients improve and heal because they courageously engage with the education, skills, and practices that I offer.
My particular specialty is working with clients who’ve had a difficult childhood and/or a tough entry into the world. I have deep empathy and compassion for those who’ve had scary experiences early in their life (that is also my story). Some clients have experienced a single traumatic event, surgeries, or chronic illness. Others had lots of stress and frightening interactions in childhood. I often work with clients who’ve received diagnoses of PTSD or cPTSD. Some of my clients struggle with health syndrome(s) that seem to baffle the traditional Western medical system. I mainly work with adults and sometimes with children and adolescents. If my approach is of interest to you, please reach out.
My pronouns are she/her. I am married cis white female. My practice is located on unceded Tongva and Hahamonga lands in Los Angeles. My clients are from a variety of communities including white, BIPOC, cis, queer, non-binary, and neurodivergent. Ages 4-70+. I offer sliding scale / pro-bono rates to BIPOC communities and others as space allows.