Worried, fearful, on edge? Soothe Yourself Somatically

This is Annie. She’s been worried an awful lot lately. When she’s worried, her hands go to her face and that supports her in feeling better.
If you search images of ‘worried’ you’ll see that a lot of people put hands on their face when feeling this type of stress.
Self touch is an automatic, somatic support that our body offers us. Mostly, we do this unconsciously. Even when we’re not aware we’re doing it, supportive self touch helps to soothe our nervous system.
Try bringing your awareness to these little somatic touch opportunities that your body automatically offers to you. Pay attention to it. Then, notice how your current feeling changes or improves. Interesting, yes?
The act of paying attention combined with supportive touch enhances the lovely ways that our bodies take care of us. Supportive self touch along with conscious care for ourselves increases Oxytocin levels. Just like when someone who cares about us gives us a hug or places their hand on our shoulder.
I talk more about this and suggest other forms of somatic touch, which I call Kind Touch™, in my Soothe Yourself Somatically self-paced course. The course contains lots of somatic practices that are educational and help us to soothe and settle when we’re feeling overwhelmed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m offering Set Your Own pricing for the Soothe Yourself Somatically program right now! Click Enroll, then set your price! The base price is an affordable $50.
Take care of you. ❤️🩹